What to Know About Flooding and Homeowners Insurance
Protecting your belongings and your property from nature’s toughest elements is important to consider. This is one reason why you have homeowners insurance. It protects you from a sudden and accidental occurrence that damages your home. For example, a limb breaks off in a storm, falls on your roof and punches a hole through it, and water comes inside through this hole. This is a covered claim, your homeowners insurance would pay to repair the hole, and replace the property inside that was damaged by the water coming in.
Flood water is different. If water comes into your home via groundwater, through a crack in your foundation, or through a flood, like we have seen here lately, this is typically not covered by your homeowners insurance. Flood insurance, a program sponsored by FEMA, is available in the United States, and is specifically designed to cover flood water damage.
Flood insurance is different than homeowners insurance, but it is available for almost any homeowner. If the property is located in a recognized flood zone, you may be forced to buy it by your mortgage company or bank; if you are not in a flood zone, however, you still may purchase flood insurance.
There are a number of restrictions with flood insurance.The current maximum amount of coverage available it $250,000 for the property structure, and $100,000 for contents or personal property. This might not provide 100% coverage for you. Another important restriction is there is a 30 day waiting period from the day your purchase flood insurance, to the time when the coverage begins.
Allstate Insurance Agent Jeff Duncan’s agency offers flood insurance. If you are worried about this potentially devastating occurrence, contact us and we will provide you with a quote for flood insurance. The peace of mind that you have knowing that you are covered might be priceless. See what the Good Hands of Allstate are all about.
Call Allstate Agent Jeff Duncan (269) 323-8353. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook @JeffDuncanAllstateAgent